They told about us


Wencel family

We have been part of CVI Košice for 5 years, for which we are very grateful.  There are people with big hearts working here who helped us to overcome various obstacles. From navigating through a lot of information regarding our son's diagnosis, through rehabilitation, various aids, securing financial assistance, professional advice, educational counseling and everything we needed during this difficult time. Based on this, we were able to make the right decision about what would be best for Patya. Thanks to their help, he is now attending a school where he feels comfortable, happy, has many friends and can reach his full potential.

family Gubova

When our little girl became ill and remained in a coma after a brain inflammation, we were, as it were, taken aback by the new situation and had no idea how to proceed, where to start. CVI helped us tremendously with navigating the tangle of laws, claims, compensation and aids. The workers visited us at the hospital and gave us the basic information we needed to get started at home. They were always willing to help us, not only in theory but especially in practice. They helped with filling in forms and applications, with choosing a special nursery and later a school. They always found time for us. They directed us according to our needs and what was acute for us at the time.

family Mizerakova

We are parents of Samek with DMO and childhood autism and a few other diagnoses ☺ Like most parents, we didn't know what to do with Samek. But thanks to CVI, we felt that we are not alone at all. Your starter package of help we received from you has helped us and especially Samek a lot in his progress.  Samko is slowly integrating into society although he will always need help. But we are determined to never give up and to always help him. Just as you and your referrals to professionals and specialists have helped us. We are not saying goodbye because you are and will remain a part of our lives.


Monika Janková, School Special Educator, St. Kosice Martyrs Primary School

V minulom školskom roku sme do 1. ročníka prijali Anku, dievčatko s Downovým syndrómom, ktorá prišla s Alkou. Nepoznala som tento projekt a bola to naša najkrajšia spolupráca s CVI. Alka-asistent, láskavý kamarát. Bola to žena, ktorá citlivo vnímala potreby nielen Aničky, ale aj všetkých ostatných žiakov. Kráčali sme spolu školským rokom a vďaka vedeniu kolegýň z CVI sme sa posunuli o krok vpred. Vdaka nim, sme zachytávali potreby nielen zaclenenych detí, ale aj potreby ich rodičov. Pravidelne sme sa stretávali a hľadali možnosti a spôsoby, ako sa prihovárať, posúvať vlastne hranice, ako odpovedať na otázky nielen kolegov, ale aj deti a rodičov. CVI nás viedlo, ukazovalo cestu, nenútilo, ale jemne postrkavalo vpred. Ďakujem za najkrajšiu skúsenosť ľudí, ktorí sa dívajú na inklúziu našimi očami.

MUDr. Vanda Chovanová, Head of the Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Medicine at the Children's University Hospital in Košice

Každé dieťatko s problematickým štartom do života, či už predčasne narodené, alebo kriticky choré potrebuje často následnú starostlivosť viacerých špecialistov. Samotné odborné rady v ambulanciách však často nestačia nato, aby rodičia nadobudli pocit, že starostlivosť o svoje dieťa vykonávajú dostatočne efektívne a maximálne podporujú jeho vývoj. Centrum včasnej intervencie dokáže túto pomoc poskytnúť jednak kompexne a interdisciplinárne a hlavne vysoko individuálne podľa potrieb konkrétneho dieťaťa a jeho rodiny, pomáha v koordinácii odbornej starostlivosti, v posilňovaní kompetencií rodiny a v zlepšení jej kvality života. Existencia CVI Košice pre nás, ktorí sa tímto deťom venujeme v období bez prostredne po narodení, predstavuje istotu, že počas nasledujúcich mesiacov a rokov, bude o ne dobre postarané